If we make e-banking transactions by using the hotspot of Internet,not at home, will it to be a problem?. I have heard that using the E-Banking in Warnet or computer of office is very dangerous, so when using the laptop to make a personal E-Banking using in Hotspot also to be dangerous? why?
the issues are exactly in the level of security, good security and personal security of the network. if we make a transaction of e-banking through a network such as HP or telkom, the security level is also not different from their employer.
but if we do it via the cafe or hotspot, it’s security is sometimes ignored, even though not all there so that even more secure than large companies. admin warnet often fraudulent see the customer’s data. This is not actually the correct ethica. or sometimes because of the speed so the security level is revealed.
sometimes the customers themselves also make sure to logout something that is not important that make their security of their file is easily to break.
In each free hot spot, anyone can have someone that act as a "man in the middle," that resoluble retrieve any data from you via the access point.
Some banks are already adding token pin with random algorithms do, but you can imagine that if this scenario happens you, your username and password was successfully taken by someone, and he successfully log in to your internet banking. The thief tried to buy an item online, automated system will ask the bank security pin verification, the skeleton has 3 times the chance to hit the pinnya, and the third one so that your account terblokir itself.
As we do, how difficult and complex the procedures to re-enable an account lock. I once account lock that happened cause my own carelessness and take 3 DAYS to return.
Can you imagine if this happens more than 1 time, how much opportunity and the time you do terbuang only to manage the account.
Pangdam Jaya: Ada Umat Islam Pakai 'Amar Makruf' untuk Klaim Kebenaran
Pangdam Jaya Mayjen Dudung Abdurachman menyebut ada segelintir umat Islam
yang memakai istilah 'amar makruf nahi mungkar' untuk mengklaim kebenaran.
4 years ago