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Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to understand about structural equation modeling

Let's go to analyze
SEM analysis consist of two technics:
1. Covariance based
using AMOS or Lisrel -based on normality assumption
when we need amos? answer: estimation
2. Variance based
using SmartPLS, PLSGraph, etc - based on nonparametrics measurement
when we need PLS? answer: prediction
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The term "Sistem Informasi Keperilakuan" is firstly pointed and popularated by Jogiyanto Hartono Mustakini in his book "Sistem Informasi Keperilakuan" (2007), Publisher Andi Offset Yogyakarta Indonesia.

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Alfitman; Pamenan Mato Nan Hilang; Ikhlas Hati

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Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
I wish I can do my best in human's life